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N Singh

Book One: Darkangel999: A Divine Instrument
"Darkangel999." An agent of divine vengeance. Some would call her cold, brutal, fierce. Sent to draw out the corrupt, eradicate the filth. She was destruction personified but with a golden heart meant only to get results. Results that led to purity. Often misunderstood and feared but holding an attraction that no mortal could deny nor repel. When her spider's web was spun, you scrambled to become her prey, ignoring the danger of being eaten alive. Your only goal to be entwined by her limbs, craving her injection of poison. A serum that slowly enters your bloodstream. It brings you to life, a freedom you've never known possible. You lose control, walls down, defenses lost. You willingly dismiss them, wanting nothing standing between you and her. She spreads throughout you, overtaking your senses, caging your heart, your lungs filled only with her breath. You are now trapped. Symbiotic you've become, destined to grow together. Your journey begins...


Shante van Zyl

Story about Ethan who is given the lead role in a school play about the 'King of Equality' Ethan is scared of the dragon costume imagining him to be real. Learn how Ethan overcomes his fear and vanquishes the fire breathing dragon.

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Shante van Zyl

Gina is a very chubby little girl and gets teased a lot in school. She has trouble making friends until twin sisters Leah and Lyla join her class. Leah is very kind and Lyla is very just. Together they help Gina build confidence.

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