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Old Book


June 13, 2045

Art and Creativity started a  reading initiative last year October 2021, aimed at Pre-schools, Primary Schools and Special Needs schools.The initiative is aimed at kids aged 4-9.
We all know the importance of reading and learning to read and in this day and age, kids spend more time on technology and lack the enthusiasm and excitement of reading a book. This is where Art and Creativity comes in to get kids excited about reading their own story, in their own book where they are the heroes of their own story.
The initiative aims not only to generate interest from kids for the books, but a percentage of the sales of the books go toward your school that you can use for anything that is needed for the school, a percentage of the sales also goes toward The Down's Syndrome Association of Tshwane to create awareness and help kids struggling with Down's Syndrome to also have a better quality of life and an easier transition into mainstream schooling.
The initiative has the potential to raise between R 17 500.00 to R 22 500.00 for the school year calculated on 10 months income at 20% of book sales for the school.
What we Do
We write individual stories per child using their own name and their own pictures which are converted into a cartoon format so the child identifies with the story and is excited about having a physical book that is all about them.
The stories we write incorporate their own day to day adversities and milestones and achievements reached. Topics such as bullying, fears, fitting-in, failure, success, how to handle different emotions are all incorporated into a fantastical story that brings wonder and curiosity to the child.
The books are available in Hardcopy A5 full colour gloss print as well as an audio EBook and non-audio EBook. 
We also write stories specifically for each school according to a theme you are dealing with for the month or week.
We have found, with schools already enrolled in this initiative that it works best when the charge for the book is incorporated into your monthly school fees charged to the parent, that way you receive the 20% due to the school directly into your own bank account as payments are received, but this is up to the school on how it is marketed.You will find both further information as well as pricing via this WhatsApp Number: 0766742889. The price is negotiable as bulk orders afford greater discounts on printing.
Happy Reading!

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